10 Conversation Starters for Reconnecting After It's Been a While

Have you ever found yourself wanting to reconnect with someone you haven't spoken to in a while but struggled to find the right reason or excuse to reach out? Whether it's an old friend, a former colleague, or a distant relative, reaching out after a period of silence can feel daunting. However, taking that first step can lead to rekindling old connections and fostering meaningful relationships. Below are ten excuses to reach out and reconnect after it's been a while.

1. Birthday Wishes

There's no better excuse to reach out than to extend heartfelt birthday wishes. A personalized message acknowledging their special day and reminiscing about the good times you shared can break the ice and open the door to reconnecting.

2. Shared Interest or Hobby

If you and the person you want to reconnect with share a common interest or hobby, use it as a conversation starter. Mentioning something related to your shared passion and suggesting a meet-up to indulge in it can reignite the connection.

3. Career Achievements

Congratulating someone on their career achievements is a great way to show support and interest in their life. Whether it's a promotion, a new job, or a significant milestone, acknowledging their success and expressing curiosity about their professional journey can lead to meaningful conversations.

4. Anniversary of a Shared Experience

Reflecting on a significant event or milestone you both experienced together can evoke nostalgia and create a sense of camaraderie. Acknowledging the anniversary of such an event and sharing fond memories can serve as a powerful catalyst for reconnecting.

5. Holiday Greetings

Sending heartfelt holiday greetings is a timeless way to reconnect with someone. Whether it's Christmas, New Year's, or any other holiday, a thoughtful message expressing well-wishes and suggesting a get-together can help bridge the gap caused by distance and time.

6. Mutual Acquaintance Updates

If you have mutual friends or acquaintances, use updates about them as a conversation starter. Mentioning news or developments related to people you both know can spark interest and provide a natural segue into reconnecting.

7. Apologizing for Lost Contact

Sometimes, a simple apology for losing touch is all it takes to reconnect with someone. Acknowledge the lapse in communication, express sincerity in wanting to reconnect, and show genuine interest in catching up.

8. Expressing Gratitude

Take the opportunity to express gratitude for past support or friendship. Letting the person know how much their presence meant to you and how it positively impacted your life can create a strong foundation for rebuilding the relationship. 

9. Sharing Relevant News or Articles

If you come across something that you know would interest the person, share it with them. Whether it's an article, a piece of news, or a podcast episode, initiating a conversation based on shared interests can lead to meaningful dialogue and reconnecting.

10. Just Because

Sometimes, the best excuse to reach out is simply because you miss the person and want to reconnect. Letting them know that you've been thinking about them and that you value their presence in your life can be enough to reignite the connection.

Reconnect better, with Kinship!

Reaching out to someone after it's been a while can feel intimidating, but it's worth taking the risk to rebuild connections and foster meaningful relationships. Here’s the best news of all, Kinship makes it super easy to reconnect with your contacts! Reminders, push notifications, and custom detail fields make it easy to pick up right where you left off, even if it’s been awhile.

What is Kinship?

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