
One app that helps business students network

Sync your contacts and easily keep track of the people you meet
Remember what matters with notes and with custom detail fields
Group and tag your contacts to keep them organized
Stay consistent with reminders reach out when its been a while

The other options don’t quite cut it


Horrible to open on your phone.

Desktop computer icon

Traditional CRMs

Too expensive for an outdated and clunky interface.

Notes App

Easy to lose track of, hard to search.

Our Competitors

Overwhelm users with all their data all at once.

Enter Kinship

We believe less is more

Customize your contact experience

  • Make custom fields for better contact organization and filtering
  • Group your contacts by classes, events, activities, and more
  • Make it your own and easily identify key fields with emojis

Save your notes, emails, images, and more to contacts

  • Push your notes, emails, images, and texts directly into your Kinship app
  • Easily find important notes from previous conversations

Share your digital business card

  • Create versions for different needs
  • Save to your apple wallet
  • Instantly share via QR code or text

Take action and follow up like a pro

  • Get notified about the things that matter and focus on what’s important
  • Set follow-up tasks for contacts
  • Send messages to entire contact groups

Business school better with Kinship 👋

Strong relationships lead to business opportunities. Never let an important contact slip through the cracks again – prioritize your connections with Kinship.

Loved by thousands of users 🙌

Hundreds of 5 star reviews in the App Store and Google Play Store

"Excellent tool to stay connected with those important in your life! Absolutely brilliant structure, nifty features, user friendly, easy to navigate and super helpful to stay connected personally and professionally! I highly recommend it. It’s making my life easier and helps me stay mindful and organized."

Maya Patel

Executive Coach

"Kinship is a wonderful app that humanizes. Thinking about others and reminding them, in a meaningful way, that I am thinking about them is what it’s all about. Kinship fills the gap between “contacts” and calendar reminders. Well done."

Aisha Nguyen

MBA Candidate

"As someone who puts an emphasis on personal relationships, I love how thoughtful this app is to keep all the important details in one place. Intuitive and easy to use!"

Luca Bianchi

Business Consultant

"Wonderfully designed and intuitive, this app makes it easy to keep track of important facts and tidbits about the people in your network. No more note-taking and disparate systems that I can never locate when I need them. Kinship is my only stop for all my contact/relationship management needs."


Wealth Manager

"LinkedIn is great for basic professional connection, but underwhelming to say the least for relationship management. Typical CRMs are super clunky and not usable in ad hoc or even planned life interactions and meetups with people. Kinship really hits the nail on the head in giving me an easy way to update, view, and engage my contacts."

Jonah Thompson

Real Estate Agent

"Amazing app! Ingenious way to keep all my personal and business contacts together with the info I need most."

Xavier Washington

Tech Founder

Have questions?
We have answers.

Find answers to common questions about Kinship! Can’t find what you’re looking for? Shoot us an email.

Is Kinship secure?

Yes. You alone have access to your data, and we will never sell, license, or share it — ever.

When it comes to both you and your Kin, we do not collect identifying data, including but not limited to names, contact details, notes, pictures, etc.

The only data we collect is anonymized via safe analytics services and platforms to understand  how to improve Kinship.

👉 Check out our Privacy Policy for more nitty gritty.

Is this really free?

Yes, we promise! No “gotchas” here. We wanted to create a starting point for organizing your important connections. This spreadsheet also makes it easy to seamlessly import your people data directly into the Kinship mobile app for a truly frictionless way to manage your network on the go.

Is Kinship designed for personal or professional use?

Both! Kinship is versatile and can be used to manage personal and professional relationships. It was specifically designed to create a simple solution for busy professionals who need an on-the-go contact management system. No matter whether you are using Kinship to activate your business network or maintain your personal connections, our goal is to make you more organized and intentional in your relationships.

Why do I need to share my information?

The only details we collect are your Name and Email Address to send you the downloadable Smartsheet and offer support when you need it.

Who should I add to Kinship?

There's no limit to the number of contacts you can add to Kinship, whether you are doing it manually or importing from your phone or spreadsheet.

Start by entering your most important connections - like leads, clients, partners, and colleagues - and grow as you go!

Can I merge this with an existing spreadsheet or do I have to manually add my data?

Since this spreadsheet includes smart features, we recommend not changing the columns, as doing so may affect other pages. Instead, copy data from other spreadsheets and paste it into this template or start from scratch and manually add your contacts.

Do my contacts get notified that I am using Kinship when I reach out?

Nope. You can conveniently start a text message, email, or WhatsApp message directly from the Kinship app, but your contacts will not be notified that you are using Kinship to help you remember to stay connected.

The best part is all of our connection history is stored in Kinship so you can see the last time you reached out to each contact.

How do I import my contacts from this spreadsheet into my Kinship app?

For a one time fee our customer support team will help you sync all your contacts and notes from our provided spreadsheet template into your Kinship account. This way, once you log in, all your contacts, connection history and notes will be ready and waiting for you. To get started, email support@kinshipsystems.com

How do I give feedback?

We want to hear from you. Contact us to share any feedback or requests for features. We take your feedback seriously and are constantly improving Kinship to best meet our users’ needs.

What details should I save about people?

The details section in each kin profile is one of the most powerful features of Kinship.

This is the space where you can create and organize your own form fields to remember what is most important about every single person, and connect more intentionally in future interactions.


👋 Introduced by: Sarah Smith

🍷 Met at: Grace’s Bar

🐶. Dog’s name: Atlas

🤮 Dislikes: Cilantro

🎁 Gift idea: Tickets to Hamilton

Details can be saved in multiple formats such as phone numbers, emails, addresses, dates, URLs, or any personalized info.